So You Shall Know The Truth includes chosen recent discourses that again demonstrate Svami Purna’s unique, insightful and precious teachings, originally given in the authentic oral tradition. They have been transcribed and edited in order to reflect the ancient Vedic wisdom and modern day relevance. The use of illustrations and stories provide additional richness, while also reminding us of the eternal wisdom that is available for those on the path. The discourses include answers to some of life’s key questions and direct the seeker of truth on a positive path to achieve more balance, fulfillment and meaning. As with all of Svamiji’s teachings there is no mistaking the key message that responsibility for self and one’s own happiness is crucial to a balanced and healthy life and to real understanding. The explanation of such fundamental issues through the discourses offers readers a real opportunity to understand their message. Some may already be aware of the works of Svami Purna and enjoy the endorsement that this selection provides in relation to other works: for others this may be the first taste of such knowledge. For all readers there will be a unique pleasure in participating in the clear understanding found in this edition.